About Us
Company Established in 1990
9+ Locations across ontario
160,000+ satisfied homeowners
200+ licensed professional technicians
high quality equipment with clean, profession installation
Helpful, Skilled Qualified professionals
Our staff members go through a demanding selection process that guarantees they will have the understanding, expertise, and technical know-how that we demand, as well as an unmatched dedication to customer service. All of us take great pride in meeting and exceeding our client’s expectations by pulling on our substantial experience in all kinds of heating systems, ventilation, and air-conditioning systems Across London & the MiddleSex Area. At AireOne Heating & Cooling company we all work with every customer individually to recognize and implement the Heating and air conditioning solution that will perform best for you and your company.
Our mission is to provide quality design, installation and service for Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) equipment in both residential and light commercial markets for London & The Middlesex Area .
We will be recognized as the most professional team of HVAC products and services while providing reliable service and installation. We will also lead the way toward more efficient and effective methods and procedures.
- Provide 100% customer satisfaction
- Be open and honest
- Work together as a team
- Change for the better of ourselves, customers, and industry
High quality, & Reliability
Our commitment to high quality and reliability sets us apart from our competition in London so when you choose to work with London’s Heating and Cooling company you are guaranteed to receive personal, individual attention and responsiveness to your problems and concerns. We work tirelessly to be the best in everything we do and we invite you to join our long list of satisfied customers in London & The Middlesex Area who can attest to the fact that our company is the best service provider of customized, cost-effective heating and cooling products for you and your company.
Our clients say

Get In Touch with
Aire One Heating & Cooling
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Business Hours
- Monday — Friday Open 24 Hours
- Saturday — Open 24 Hours
- Sunday — Open 24 Hours
Social Media
Aire One is the name for reliable and professional HVAC services and has been serving Ontario for more than 30 years. Please let us know how we can assist you!